WP All Export – User Export Add-On Pro

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WP All Export – User Export Add-On Pro enables you to export your users and any data attached to their accounts even custom data added by other plugins. Drag & drop to create completely custom spreadsheets and XML feeds. Full support for all WordPress user data – Email addresses, billing and shipping info, and even custom data added by plugins or WooCommerce extensions.

Drag & drop to rearrange spreadsheet columns, combine data fields, and more. Edit exported user data in Excel and then import the changes, or migrate users to another WordPress site. You can also export hashed passwords, which are completely encrypted and secure. You can then import them back into WordPress and users will be able to use their old passwords without ever risking their security.

To export users, you’ll need WP All Export Pro and the User Export Add-On. If you need to migrate users, you’ll also need WP All Import Pro and the User Import Add-On.